Friday, August 13, 2010


Have I said.."oh my goodness...oh my goodness"...well of course I have but this time I really mean.."OH MY GOODNESS...OH MY GOODNESS''

Today Jack's(the beer guzzling ,cigarette smokin bum ) girlfriend decided to confront Ruth and tell her that she(Ruth) is not Jacks girlfriend because she(Toni..) is and has been Jacks girlfriend...well that sent Ruth into a the time I heard from CC and called Corinthians ,Ruth was waiting up front for a cab...SERIOUSLY...she wasn't going to stay at that place anymore...I told Charlie(darling little new girl at Corinthians) to be sure to not let Ruth leave and that I was on my way....picture the music from the Lone Ranger with me actually passing cars to get there before she could get out of jail....

When I arrive at Corinthians, Dominique meets me at the door and says thanks for coming...I ask how bad it is...she just looks at me and says again,"thanks for coming...'' Ruth is walking towards me and hugs me and says she is so glad I am there. She looks at me funny and says ," Are you Claire.." I say ,"No, I am Teresa." She laughs and says,"of course you are," but she still has that confused look on her face...She says that Claire just called and said she would be over in about 5 minutes. I told her I had just called. She is so confused and gets a little testy with me as she wants to know why I would tell them my name is Claire. I tell her I didn't. She ramps up a bit and says I did...I just say I don't know...Next we jump right into her BBBADDDDD day...

It is too long and too much info to go through but the highlighted version is that she is no longer an item with 'that bastard' Jack. They have been a couple for years and he should have told her there was another woman . I sat with Ruth, Eloise, and Marilyn(???) for dinner...OH MY HECK...Ruth was like a 12 yr old school girl. She kept pointing to the corner where Jack was sitting with Earl and I D and saying she knew they were talking about her and what did we think they were saying. I tried all the things that I told my own 12 yr olds(don't let him know it bothers you, put a smile on your face, it's not worth worrying about, your better off without him,etc etc etc) . Eloise would say I was right, Ruth would agree and then go right back into attack mode...She is really humiliating herself. I hate it but there is nothing I can say or do. She leaves the table for a minute and I tell Eloise how much we appreciate all she does for Ruth. She says she knows how hard it is on us to deal with Ruth and says Ruth is quite a dilemma..AMEN SISTER...

Mike calls and says he will stop by on his way home. I tell Ruth. That distracts for a few minutes so she stops pointing at Jack. She gushes and gushes over Mike and says I am her daughter in law....she has said it twice now so I must really be her daughter in law. Mike comes in and she jumps up and grabs him and kisses his cheek and hugs ...He is embarrassed and wants to just get her back to her room. She will not be moved so easily. She still has to stop by several tables to ask if they know what happened to her today. I walk over to Mike. He says to go get her and head her to her room. I walk back over and she looks at me like she doesn't know who I am or why I am there. I gently take her arm and say that Mike is ready to go have a chat with her. That triggers recognition and she flits over to where he was standing(he has already headed down the hall to avoid another huggy, kissy scene)

Her door is not even pulled all the way shut. The air conditioner is turned off so her room is about 200 degrees...Mike tells her to turn on the AC...she laughs and says ,"yes sir..."
Mike chats her up about Jack. He tries to help her understand that Jack never was her boyfriend. She wants Mike to go get her beer. He tells her no. He tries to explain to her that I took her a 12 pk yesterday afternoon. She says that is not true. She says that I told her that earlier but that is just not true. He tells her she is wrong. She doesn't want to talk about it. I keep my mouth SHUT...after stickin my hand in the fire of Ruth's wrath, I know to keep it to myself if she is talking with someone else...Mike tries to calm her. She says she is fine. He tells her she can't be thinking of taking a cab. She says she won't. She says she wanted Claire or me to stay with her for the weekend. He explains that Claire(CC) lives too far and that I am going with him. She understands. She says she is fine. She doesn't want to talk any more about the beer, cigs, money....she is done....Mike tells her he and I are going out to dinner so we need to go. She says she completely understands...She hugs us both and says how much she appreciates us...we walk out the door and close it behind us.

Ruth opens the door and calls us back and asks ,''what am I doing now? Am I putting my shoes on and going to smoke?" Mike says she can do what ever she wants to do. She says that is what she would normally do so he tells her to go for it.....'s 7:40 and Ruth is calling....she needs to go to the grocery store and wants to know if I can come and take her. I tell her I can't tonight. She wants to know if I will come and take her tomorrow OR if Mike will...I ask her what she needs...she says,"oh you know, milk, bread, stuff like that"...B S , we just bought that and I was just in her apt and it is still there. I tell her I will have Mike call her tomorrow.....

Yesterday Carla told me that Ruth is their neediest resident....I am so worried that they are going to ask us to move her....

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